Evi schartner portfolio

Evi Schartner has been painting artistically since her childhood. She has pursued a Master Master’s Degree in Art History from the University of Salzburg. In addition, she has gainde extensive knowledge of art and artistic techniques through studies at the ‘Graphische Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt’ in Innsbruck and the ‘Mozarteum’ in Salzburg.

With the foundation from her studies, she has continued to develop and it has given her space to be playful with her painting. This is witnessed through the subtlety of expression and simultaneous strength of her painting’s statements that have impressed countless viewers of her work. Her artwork does not confront you boldly, rather it invites you to look at each painting repeatedly.

Each impression gives the viewer the opportunity to discover a new perspective of the image, and thus an interactive and remarkably special relationship is forged. Her pictures open like the petals of a flower in the morning, revealing the core of the picture on closer inspection.

The ornament of her paintings often tells their own story and overlay the painting’s motif itself. The viewer is challenged to look for all the hidden details within the painting and thus looks at the parts and the whole through this act of seeing, even before its meaning can be deciphered.

Everything in Evi Schartner’s art is there for a purpose or reason and is very much reflected in her choice of materials. She selects the medium of watercolour or ink on handmade paper over canvas and acrylic which is often used in many paintings today. Evi firmly believes that the integrity of the materials is paramount for each picture.

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